
How to successfully grow your own startup or business

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Thursday Sep 19, 2019

Growth4Startups Pod​cast #006: ​Project Management Tools: Kanban Boards
You are running a project in a dynamic environment – such as a startup. You need to track your progress, but standard project planning tools are too much work to set up and maintain?
Then a Kanban Board could be your answer… Here is a short introduction to Kanban Boards and how they can be adapted to fit your needs…

Friday Sep 13, 2019

Are you planning your startup or just your next product? In a startup, you need to balance flexibility against the need to make sure that you get everything done.
One project management tool that can help a lot here, is the “work breakdown structure”. Heavily promoted by the Project Management Institute, it a very useful planning tool. I’ll introduce it to you in this episode…

Thursday Sep 05, 2019

Most of us know that short term multitasking does not work very well (even if we still try to do it…!)
But what about medium- and long-term multitasking? Is that a no-go as well…?
Maybe, maybe not. Listen as I talk about the pros and cons and decide for yourself...

#003: Short Term Multitasking

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019

In this podcast, I look at short term multitasking. Most of us have tried to save time by juggling several tasks at once. Some people are better at it than others. How about you? How good are you at short term multitasking really? I’ll introduce a short and simple test so you can find out for yourself…
You can find the selftest at ''

Wednesday Aug 07, 2019

Episode #002: ​Thinking Outside of the Box: Be a Superhero!
​​​​​This episode talks about creative ideas. Here I talk about one ​easy way to get off of 'autopilot' and start thinking creatively: becoming a superhero!

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019

In this episode, I talk about what you need to be thinking about when you are looking for a new business idea:
What does an entrepreneur need to be successful?
What are the most common questions that people have when they start going into business for themselves?
Instead, what questions should you be asking yourself and why?

How Startups Grow

Tuesday Jun 25, 2019

Tuesday Jun 25, 2019

How Startups Grow explains the stages of growth which a startup experiences and will help you to identify where you are today and where you will need to put your energy tomorrow​...

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